A search of the barracks had turned up nothing of note except a bunch of keys. The sort of keys that just cry out for a row of cells to make a story complete. Thankfully, the party chose to investigate the correct door immediately after and so found a prison block.
They found and rescued Lord Greenslade and his son, and also a badly injured man-at-arms (healed by Ciarda). In escorting the prisoners out, the party gained rewards of both experience and gold from the Greenslades. This pushed them well over the experience needed to reach level 2, and so the kids got their first taste of levelling in D&D.
The Greenslade girl stayed behind at this point, leaving the core party to re-enter the lair and continue their search for Bargulg. They swept through the goblin quarters, winning an easy battle in the mess room, before stumbling into Bargulg's hall quite unprepared for what lay ahead.
This caused incredible excitement - screams of fear and hoots of "OHMIGOD!" and running around. Kids really seem to express their excitement physically, don't they? Eventually they settled enough to face some onrushing goblins, a hobgoblin overseer, and from the far end of the room, Bargulg the Orc. The goblins were dealt with by a
Burning Hands spell from Azrael, but the hobgoblin made it to Dion and landed a vicious blow. Dion hit his mark in return, and Ciarda fired off a healing spell.
Unfortunately, though, Bargulg arrived with his clearly magical armour and mace and proceeded to beat Ciarda to within an inch of her life (1 hit point). At this point, Ciarda burst into sobs - I had no idea she was feeling so in-character, and we had to pause the game for a few seconds for cuddles!
She recovered to fire off some healing just as the other two characters finished off the orc and hobgoblin. All the characters were a bit beat up at this point, but the clearly magical equipment was driving everything! I know, I shouldn't be handing out magical goodies this early, but I'm their
dad! I'm allowed to give them stuff!
Ciarda picked up a lovely
+1 mace called
Bonecrusher, and Dion managed to fit himself into the orc's
+1 splintmail. Both were mightily happy with their new toys, and we called it a night here.